Discount Code and Marketing Details
Before you sign up for our affiliate program, please decide on
what discount promotional code you would like to use.
What does the Discount Code do?
- Provides a 10% off discount to your clients
or customers. The customer can enter the code directly on our purchase page,
but you can also link to our purchase page and have the code filled out on there
for them.
- Opens up viral marketing. More importantly, because you can choose whatever code you want, the
customer can share the code with others, and in so doing, not only pass the
discount along, but also promote your own business. Your clients can see the
discount as a benefit that you provide for them for service, whether you are
in consulting, web marketing, or any other traditional form of technology business
where our software may be useful.
What discount code to choose?
Your discount code should promote your site, not our software.
The people who use it should associate your company or website with your code.
You can pick virtually any code you wish. For instance, if your business is
the A1 Web Marketing Consulting Group, INC., you could pick a discount code
such as "A1 Web Marketing" or if your website is,
you can even use your web address as your code: ""
A bad discount code would be one that is generic, such as "marketing,"
or something that doesn't pertain to your business, such as "cheapnow",
or something related to our company, such as "FastStats" or "Mach5."
Please do not choose these kinds of discount codes. If your code is not unique
and appropriate, we'll have to get back to you to clarify what you want to do
and choose a new code.
You can have more than one. Just let us know if you need more than one code.
Proceed to sign up!