

Receiving Free Updates of FastStats Website Traffic Statistics
All updates within a major version of FastStats Analyzer are distributed
free to you. We distribute FastStats registered versions, however,
by secure download. You may pickup your FastStats update at the
Mach5 Software Pickup page.
All you need is the email address you used to purchase FastStats. We always reset the download count
for your order whenever we release an update, even if it is just a
minor one.
What's more, if you have lost your original confirmation email, you
can very easily have that sent to you by entering your original email address on our Software Pickup Page and clicking Email me my Registration. If that doesn't work for you, let us know and we'll find your
original order ourselves. Just drop a note to our support
center by email and we'll help you get back to tracking your
website visitors as soon as we are able.
Version History
Analyzer 4.1.7 (March 01, 2006) Critical Update Download Update Now
- Fixed a bug with wildcards (? and *) in Spider, Browser, and OS detection code. A new spider added to our spider list broke Include/Exclude Spider Quick Filters
- Default install directory is now C:\Program Files\Mach5 Development\Mach5 Analyzer
Analyzer 4.1.6b (January 18, 2006) Recommended Update
- Note: 4.1.6b is identical in features to 4.1.6. There was an error in compiling which was fixed with the 'b' build of 4.1.6.
- Fixed a problem caused by IE7. Network file transfers were not working.
- Fixed a problem with the HTTP password dialog box.
- Fixed search keywords repetition bug.
- Fixed an encoding problem in referrer reports.
- Fixed command line mode. Faststats will reverse look up IPs in command line mode now.
- Fetching logs via ftp with no password no longer results in errors.
- Some graphs were off by one day depending on your timezone.
- Updated XML files to include more spiders, operating systems, and browsers.
- Updated to a higher version of the Graphing libraries
- Updated Zlib to the latest version
- Changed default install directory from C:\Program Files\Mach5 Enterprises\Mach5 Analyzer to C:\Program Files\Mach5 Development\Mach5 Analyzer
Analyzer 4.1.5 (January 27, 2005) Recommended Update
- Fixed a few crash problems with log file lines that were too long or contained too much cookie data.
- Fixed an issue in determining dates of IIS log files in directories with log files of several types that caused visitor counts to be inaccurate.
- Added support for Domino server logs. This log format requires that you explicitly set the log file type as Domino server logs in FastStats Global Options.
Analyzer 4.1.4 (December 15, 2004) Recommended Update
- Added and option to the global options to disable automatic ip-to-country geographic database updating
- Fixed a bug in the global log analysis filters
- Domain filters were not causing DNS lookups to happen
- Updated the help files
- Improvements to the web stats export header and footer files
- Added the Report Links style element to specify link color on exported log analysis reports
- Fixed the no hostname bug when fetching web site log files via http
- Fixed virtual host filtering to allow filtering on virtual domains for W3C log file formats, and not just IIS log files, during web site analysis
- Fixed a few intermittent crashes during analysis, affecting some IIS and W3C log file formats
Analyzer 4.1.3 (or 4.1.2, July 7, 2004) Recommended
- Fixes crash of free or trial version during downloading of geo database
- Fixes a few IIS6 analysis bugs we found that were causing crashes
- Fixes a few other very minor spelling and user interface glitches
- Fixes registration problem with Regular license (4.1.3)
Analyzer 4.1: (May 20, 2004) Recommended
New Features
- New Graphics Library with Improved Graphics
- CSV Export added
- Right-click on graphs to copy graph in reports
- Average Page Views per Session Report revamped
- Visitor Session Length Report revamped
- DNS Lookup Disable option added
- Recursive Directory Creation for FTP Upload
Bug Fixes
- Corresponding help file fixes
- Sharing violation error removed (was a harmless error)
- Request type filters fixed
- Query string filters fixed
- Problem sorting apache log files by date fixed
Analyzer 4.0 build 16: (March 31, 2004)
Optional Update.
- Fixed problems causing the options "Case sensitive handling..." to
function incorrectly for filters, scenarios and file tracking.
- Fixed a bug introduced in build 13 in which Analyzer fails to create
the project folder for new users. If you are having problems creating
a new project or have no sample project, please download this update.
Analyzer 4.0 build 14: (March 17, 2004) Recommended upgrade. Please
use your original download link in your order confirmation email to download
this important update.
- Fixed file extensions for saved reports (minor patch
to make v.14)
- Fixed crash on IIS log lines with excessive spaces (from corrupted
log file entries)
- Descriptions to Report Folders added
- Help documentation improvements and edits
- Fixed the search engine XML file to recognize more search engines
- Fixed bug in IP / Domain wild card matching
- Free license can now be reregistered after the Gold license is registered
Analyzer 4.0 build 12: (Feb 24 2004) Fixed minor bug in recognizing
multiple site cookies. Unless you use more than one cookie on your site,
you don't need this update.
Analyzer 4.0 - Major Release! (version
4.0.11, Feb 19, 2004)
New Features for All Licenses
- Fresh, Clean Interface with new Project Editor
- New reports
- More reliable log file analysis
- Support for visitor tracking with cookies
- Smart DNS lookup radically reduces analysis times
- Configurable report styles
- Report selection per project
- XML report format, project format
- Editable XML config files define pages, browsers, operating systems,
and search spiders.
New Free License includes:
- Analysis of up to 5000 lines
- Basic reporting with styles and printing
Regular License includes:
- Comprehensive Visitor Geographic breakdown with auto-updating database
- Hyperlink Treeview
- Printing with easy report set selection
Gold License includes:
- Scenario Analysis
- Hyperlink Treeview Tags
- Site Stickiness Reports
- Report Exporting
- Silent Report Generation
Upgrade your license to version 4 and get
started right away!
Version 3.14 - Important Update
Please note that if fixes in this release address issues
specific to your particular website, your log file statistics will differ
from previous releases.
- Fixed problem of logging hits from form POST operations.
- Fixes issue with Analyzer discarding log lines with URL's containing
non-US characters (in either requested file names or in referrers).
- Fixes bug with Analyzer crashing on invalid characters in log files.
Version 3.10
- Added support for IIS 6 log files, and hopefully all future releases
of IIS6, as we changed the log file parsing method to handle any field
- Added support for query string analysis of IIS server logs.
Version 3.03
- Updated browser recognition to Netscape 6 and a few other browsers
- Fixed filtering option to default to allowing any include filter to
include an entry, and making multiple exclude filters work as expected.
- Updated definition of what files are considered a "page."
.css files and .js files are no longer counted as pages and don't show
up in the hyperlink treeview either. (Note: this change may affect your
page view statistics between version 3.02 and version 3.03.)
Version 3.02
- Improved graph labels so that it more accurately reflects the data
- Added report export customization capabilities
- Restores 3 reports from Site Stickiness to that were in the original
Version 2 Regular edition, including the Average
Visitor Stay Length report
- Minor interface improvements
Version 3
- Expanded and radically improved HyperLink TreeView
- Grouped Site Stickiness Reports
- Support for recognizing XP
- Fixes inaccurate stats caused by restarts of IIS
- Improved support for parsing damaged log files
- Interface improvements

Version 2.81
Version 2.8
- New exporting of HTML
- Word export removed
- Multi-threaded DNS Pages counted as HTM, ASP, CFM,
- Graphs export to HTML
- Flashing problem fixed of graphs and tree view
- Fixes a crash when "remove first dot" is on DNS
- multi-threading
- DNS re-write
- Large log file crashes fixed
- Window size and position saving
- New QuickFilters (Date/Time and Search Engines)
- New reports: Page views per day, Visitors per day,
Total Visitor Stay Length, and Average Visitor Stay Length

Version 2.79
- Mostly a maintenance release
- Graphics included in exported reports
- Bugs fixed regarding time of day
- Filter problems fixed.
- Reverse DNS issues solved.

Version 2.76
- Time of day reports are now consistent
- IIS-5 Log file format support improved
- Support for other Apache log file variants included
- FTP download via wildcards is now fixed
- Includes reports from previous versions
- Recognizes Netscape 6 browser in browser list

Version 2.75
- Fixes some crashes when processing rare log files
from IIS servers.
- Provides statistics for use of the Windows ME operating
- HTTP get on some rare log file folders fixed.
- Includes support for Windows 2000 and Windows ME in
OS lists
- Fixes a problem in 2.74 where FastStats Analyzer didn't
include the reports created in Version 2.73
- Fixes a problem crashing during certain log files?
- Includes support for WebLogic log file formats?
NOTE: report settings from 2.74 are not compatible with
2.75 and will not be available. Reports from 2.73 will be saved.
Download page

Version 2.74
- New logo and product name
Download page

Version 2.73
- Fixes a bug in reverse DNS lookup Fixes many program
crashes during log file analysis