Site "Stickiness"

FastStats Scenario Analysis Overview. This report provides an overview of your ROI campaign and can be used to derive your conversion ratio -- the percentage of visitors who eventually purchase the product.
A good web site keeps visitors engaged and interested. A good web site gets bookmarked, and visitors return to it again and again. FastStats has over a dozen reports dedicated to measuring the "stickiness" of your web site.
These "stickiness" reports help you answer the following questions:
- New vs. Returning visitors. What percentage of all visits to your web site today were from new users? What percentage was from returning users?
- Session length. How long is the average session?
- Session length by referring domain. Which referring domains direct the most qualified visitors to your web site -- i.e. visitors who spend a substantial amount of time on your web site.
- Page views per session. How many pages does your average visitor view during a given session? Has this number increased or decreased with time?
This data, used in concert with FastStats' CPC profitability statistics can help you quantify your web site's effectiveness.