Contacting Technical Support

Mach5 Development offers free email technical support for as long as you use our products. We have found that most issues can be resolved in a timely manner via e-mail. However, when a problem can be resolved more efficiently by phone rather than email, we will gladly call you back on our dime.

In order to quickly resolve your issue, we ask that you follow the instructions below when contacting us for assistance.

Please send in all relevant information to analyzer -at-, which may include:

Software Version ("about" option under "help")
Operating System
Web server software version
Method of accessing logs( local, via ftp, via http)
Do you have reverse DNS enabled?
A precise description of the problem

If you wish to upload your log files for us to analyze in working through your problem, please make a copy and name it as described below and then "zip" or compress it.

Your final log file name should look like:

You can upload the file to via anonymous ftp into the incoming directory. You cannot download out of this directory, nor can you list its contents.

A technical support person may find access to your log file particularly helpful in working through your problem. Include a reference to this file in your support message if you wish, along with your domain name.

Our technical support staff will respond promptly.


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